Technological strategies for amphotericin B formulations in lipid systems available in the pharmaceutical market and other promising delivery systems

Gustavo Julio Borges Arruda, Gustavo Rossanezi, Maria Virginia Scarpa, Erivaldo Socrates Tabosa do Egito, Anselmo Gomes de Oliveira


Amphotericin B (AmB) is an antifungal reference drug in treatment of systemic mycoses since its discovery in the years 1950. The aim of this study was to establish the state of the art of the technological strategies involved in the
administration drug dosage forms AmB and the the paths for intervention to improve the drug solubility, allowing its administration intravenously and minimize its toxicity. The importance of the studies to the medical-pharmaceutical field is related to new drug delivery systems that can increase membership by children and the elderly, in addition to increasing the therapeutic arsenal available to the medical clinic. Due the limited clinical utility of the normal AmB formulations because of its high toxicity, the new administration systems of AmB able to direct the antibiotic directly to site of infections has been the most studied. Therefore, the need for different vehicles other than the deoxycholate (Fungizon ®) has been the most common alternative. The lipid formulations have been shown to be more effective and less toxic when compared to AmB deoxycholate, but not yet introduced to hospital routine for treating deep mycoses.


amphotericin B; drug delivery systems; solubility; toxicity; systemic antifungal



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Copyright (c) 2016 Gustavo Julio Borges Arruda, Gustavo Rossanezi, Maria Virginia Scarpa, Erivaldo Socrates Tabosa do Egito, Anselmo Gomes de Oliveira

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Infarma - Ciências Farmacêuticas

ISSN - 2318-9312 (Versão eletrônica)

ISSN - 0104-0219 (Versão impressa)

Conselho Federal de Farmácia - CFF

SHIS QI 15 Lote "L" - Lago Sul - Brasília - DF

CEP: 71635-615 - Fone: (61)3878-8751


Walter da Silva Jorge João, Presidente do Conselho Federal de Farmácia

Lenira da Silva Costa, Vice-Presidente do Conselho Federal de Farmácia

João Samuel de Morais Meira, Tesoureiro do Conselho Federal de Farmácia

Luiz Gustavo de Freitas Pires, Secretário-Geral do Conselho Federal de Farmácia