Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in employees of Brazilian University

Maristela Sanches Bertasso-Borges, Daniela Costa Prates, Andreia Fernandes Marcondes Godoy Silva, Ana Paula Fernandes Pezzini


Cardiovascular diseases have been the main cause of death in Brazil and the identification of cardiovascular risk factors is crucial to effective prevention. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in employees of a University in São José do Rio Preto. This analysis was done by a study transverse and descriptive carried out from a questionnaire for the identification of cardiovascular risk factors, anthropometric measures and arterial blood pressure in employees. A total of 127 employees were assessed, being 84 (66.14%) of them females. The age group most prevalent is 21 to 30 years (37%). Arterial hypertension was identified in 7.09% of the people and 17.32% of them were in the pre-hypertension range. Positive family history was reported by 82.68% of the employees. Approximately 50% of the population reported alcoholism, with prevalence in males (69.77%). The frequency of a sedentary lifestyle was high in females (73.81%) and 52.76% of the total population was overweight. For females there was statistical significance for waist circumference in the analysis by age groups. Based on the results we conclude that hypertension, family history, alcoholism, overweight and a sedentary lifestyle are the main cardiovascular risk factors in this population of employees.


Cardiovascular diseases; risk factors; lifestyle; epidemiology; Brazil.



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Infarma - Ciências Farmacêuticas

ISSN - 2318-9312 (Versão eletrônica)

ISSN - 0104-0219 (Versão impressa)

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