
The text editing aims to improve the reading, clarity, grammar, vocabulary and document formatting. It represents the last chance for the author to make substantial changes to the text, and the next step is restricted to both typing and formatting corrections. The document to be edited must be saved as one of the following formats .doc, docx or .rtf, in order to be revised quickly. Guidelines described here present two proposals for the edition. The first is based on the tracking changes of the Microsoft Word and requires that everyone involved in the process have the software. The second proposal does not depend on a tool and was taken with permission of the Harvard Educational Review. The editor is able to modify these guidelines, suggesting improvements in the editorial process of the journal.


Copyediting Systems

1. Tracking Changes in Microsoft Word. On the tools Menu, the option “Tracking Changes” allows the editor to make insertions (text appears in color) and removals (text appears in color or in the margins as removed) content. The text editor can add comments to the author and the editor through the comments icon on the toolbar.  Then, the edited version can be submitted and the editor is notified via e-mail. The editor revises the changings and notifies the author. Both the editor and author must keep changes that they agree. If more changes are necessary, editor and author can modify or add changes in editor text. They must answer to the comments that were submitted using brackets. After text revision by the editor and the author, the text editor will perform a final review and it will accept changes to go to the Layout and Composition phase for publication. 2. Harvard Educational Review Instructions to Make Revisions in Electronic Manuscripts: Follow this protocol for making electronic revisions in your manuscript: Answers to change suggestions, For each accepted suggestion, remove the bold text. For each rejected suggestion, insert the original text again and apply bold on it. Performing Insertions and Deletions Indicate new insertions in bold. Replace removed sections by: [removed text]. If you remove one or more sentence, please indicate (e.g. [2 sentences removed]). Answering questions to the authors (DAs) Keep all DAs intact, in bold, within the text. Do not remove DAs. In order to reply to a DA, insert a comment after it. Enclose comments as follows: [Comment:] Ex: [Comment: Expanded discussion of methodology, as suggested] Including Comments Use comments to explain structural changes or major revisions eg [Comment: Moved the above paragraph from p. 5 to p. 7] Warning: When referring page numbering, use the numbering of the printed copy sent because the numbers might be changed in electronic reviews.


Exemplifying an electronic evaluation


  1. Editing the original text. The text editor will modify the content to improve flow, clarity, grammar, vocabulary and formatting, as well as include questions for the author, when necessary. Once complete, the text editor will send his revised version through the system and will notify the author of the availability of access to the document for author’s review.
  2. Text editing by the author. Before making significant changes in the structure and organization of the edited document, the authors should contact the editors responsible for submission. The authors must accept / reject any changes made during the initial text editing, where they consider appropriate. Once review is concluded, the author must rename the file following the pattern, changing the name of the file from Author’sNameDA.doc to Author’sNameDAR.doc (from LeeDA.doc to LeeDAR.doc, for example) and send his revised version through the available form in the system, according to guidelines.
Editing the final text. The text editor will check the changes made by the author, and will incorporate the answers of the author to produce a final document. When completed, the text editor will submit the final version through the system and notify the layout editor to produce a final version for publication.