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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and it has not been assessed to publication by another journal and before submission, it was assured there is no plagiarism in the text.


  • Files should be submitted as one of the following formats: .doc, .docx or .RTF
  • The authors submitted the manuscript to plagiarism detection software (eg CopySpider - and the report did not show more than 3% similarity with other texts.
  • In the list of bibliographic references was included D.O.I. for those publications for which this item is available.
  • The text is double-spaced with a 12-point font size; it uses italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses)
  • The text adheres to the style standards and references requirements described in “Guidelines to Authors
  • In case of submission to a section with peer review (e.g. articles), the instructions available on Ensuring Blind Peer Review have been followed.
  • The conflit of interest statement was filled.
  • In the letter to the Editor were included 3 names with their respective contact emails and Institution as a suggestion of potential reviewers with expertise to analyze the manuscript.

    The suggested reviewers must be an expert in the subject of the manuscript with relevant scientific production in the last 3 years.

  • If pertinent, in the section “material and method” was informed the number of the protocol of approval by an ethics committee (for clinical or pre-clinical assays).

  • The metadata is completely filled in, with the ORCID and the full address of each author's home institution.

Author Guidelines

Authors Guidelines


Manuscripts should be submitted online at Each document must be sent with a submission letter signed by the author.

Preparing original article. Manuscripts must be typed in MS Word Editor (or similar editor), in a column, using Times New Roman font, size 12, in A4 page, double-spaced, with a lateral margin of 3 cm. All pages must be numbered.

Manuscripts must be organized in the following order: title page, abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, references, illustrations, legends of figures, and tables.

Title: concise, objective, and complete, avoiding superfluous words. The authors must submit an English version when the language is Portuguese or Spanish.

Abstract: abstracts in Portuguese and English must accompany the manuscripts. The abstract should present objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions, and it must not exceed 250 words.

Keywords: the authors must submit a list in Portuguese and English of 3 to 6 terms using Thesaurus Medline or other health descriptors DeCS Bireme <>.

Introduction: it must determine the purpose of the study and offer a brief review of the literature, justifying the study and highlighting the advances achieved through research.

Material and methods: this section must bring, briefly and clearly, enough information to allow other researchers to replicate the study.

Results: must offer a clear and concise description of the findings, avoiding comments and comparisons. Data in figures and tables should not be repeated in the text.

Discussion: it must explore as much as possible the findings relating them to data that was already reported in the literature. The only indispensable citation must be included.

Acknowledgments: this section must be restricted to what is necessary, such as funding sources.

References: the author should include only essential references to the article content. The references must be ordered alphabetically according to the Vancouver style. Journal titles are abbreviated according to the Medicus Index Style. Please access to check the list of serials indexed in Index Medicus. The inclusion of DOI, when available, is mandatory.

Journal articles: 

Docherty JR. Subtypes of functional a1 and a2 adrenoceptors. Eur J Pharmacol . 1998;361(1):1-15.

Martins MBG, Martins AR, Cavalheiro AJ, Telascrêa M. Caracterização biométrica e química da folha de Mentha pulegium x spicata (Lamiaceae). Rev Ciênc Farm., Araraquara, 2004;25(1):17-23.

Araujo N, Kohn A, Katz N. Activity of the artemether in experimental Schistosomiasis mansoni. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 1991; 86(Suppl 2):185-8.

Yue WJ, You JQ, Mei JY. Effects of artemether on Schistosoma japonicum adult worms andova. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 1984;5 (2 Pt 1):60-3.

Article without volume and number:

Combes A. Etude d’excipents utilisés dans l’ industrie pharmaceutique. STP Pharma 1989:766-90.

Anonymous author:

Coffee drinking and cancer of the pancreas [editorial]. Br Med J Clin Res. 1981 Sep5;283(6292):628.

Electronic publication:

Bernhardt JM, Felter EM. Online pediatric information seeking among mothers of young children: results from a qualitative study using focus groups. J Med Internet Res [Internet]. 2004Mar 1 [updated 2006 Dec 10; cited 2007 Jan 5];6(1):e7 [about 13 p.]. Available from: strategies for asthma-secondary prevention. CMAJ [Internet]. 2005 Sep 13 [cited2007 Jan 5];173(6 Suppl):S25-7. Available from:

Article with Digital Object Identifier - DOI:

Harrison JJ, Ceri H, Yerly J, Stremick CA, Hu Y, Martinuzzi R, Turner RJ. The use of microscopy and three-dimensional visualization to evaluate the structure of microbial biofilm cultivated in the Calgary Biofilm Device. Biol Proc Online [Internet]. 2006 [cited 2007 Jan8];8(1):194-215. DOI: 10.1251/bpo127.

Bhutta ZA, Darmstadt GL, Hasan BS, Haws RA. Community-based interventions for improving perinatal and neonatal health outcomes in developing countries: a review of the evidence. Pediatrics. 2005 Feb;115(2 Suppl):519-617. DOI:10.1542/peds.2004-1441.

Institution as an author:

DPPRG. Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension 2002;40(5):679-86.

Institution as author and editor:

BRASIL Manual de controle das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. 3ª ed.Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde. 1999.

NICARAGUA. Política nacional de salud 1997-2002:descentralización y autonomia. Managua: Ministerio de Salud. 2002.p.42-9.

Paper presented in Conference (it should be included only if the article is not available):

Alencar LCE, Seidl EMF. Levantamento bibliográfico de estudos sobre doadoras de leite humano produzidos no Brasil. In: 2. Congresso Internacional de Bancos de Leite Humano;2005; Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2005.

Harley NH. Comparing radon daughter dosimetric and risk models. In: Gammage RB, Kay SV, editors. Indoor air and Human Health. Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium;1984 Oct 29-31; Knoxville, TN. Chelsea, MI: Lewis, 1985:69-78.


Goodman LS. The pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 2nd. Ed. New York: Macmillan; 1955.

Brunton LL, Lazo JS, Parker KL, editors. Goodman & Gilman’s the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 11th. Ed. Chicago: McGraw-Hill; 2006.

Book Chapter:

Laurenti R. A medida das doenças. In: Forattini OP. Ecologia, epidemiologia e sociedade. SãoPaulo: Artes Médicas; 1992. p.369-98.

Fisberg RM, Marchioni D, Slater B. Avaliação da dieta em grupos populacionais [on-line]. In:Usos e aplicações das Dietary Reference Intakes – DRIs ILSI/SBAN; 2001. [citado 2004 fev] Disponível em:

Editors, compilers:

Dienner HC, Wilkinson M, editors. Drug-induced headache. New York: Spring-Verlag; 1988.

Book in CD-ROM format:

Martindale: the complete drug reference [CD-ROM]. Englewood, CO: Micromedex; 1999. Based on: Parfitt K, editor.

Martindale: the complete drug reference. London: Pharmaceutical Press;1999. International Healthcare Series.

Dissertation and thesis (they should be included only if the article is not available): Moraes EP. Envelhecimento no meio rural: condições de vida, saúde e apoio dos idosos mais velhos de Encruzilhada do Sul, RS. [Tese]. Ribeirão Preto: Escola de Enfermagem, Universidade de São Paulo; 2007.

Chorilli M. Desenvolvimento e caracterização de lipossomas contendo cafeína veiculados em géis hidrofílicos: estudos de estabilidade e liberação in vitro [Dissertação]. Araraquara:Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas,UNESP; 2004.

Legal documents, published laws:

BRASILl. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Resolução RDC nº 27, de 30 de março de 2007.Dispõe sobre o Sistema Nacional de Gerenciamento de Produtos Controlados - SNGPC estabelece a implantação do módulo para drogarias e farmácias e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União, nº 63, 2 de abril de2007. Seção 1. p. 62-4.

SP. São Paulo (Estado). Decreto no 42.822, de 20 de janeiro de 1998. Lex: coletânea de legislação e jurisprudência, São Paulo, 1998; 62(3): 217-220.

PMSP. Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo. Lei Municipal no. 12.623, de 6 de maio de 1998. Proíbe a comercialização de água mineral com teor de flúor acima de 0,8 mg/l no município e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial do Município. 13 maio 1998.

Law projects:

Medical Records Confidentiality Act of 1995, S. 1360, 104th Cong., 1st Sect. (1995).Código de regulamentações federais Informed Consent, 42 C.F.R. Sect. 441.257 (1995).


Harred JF, Knight AR, McIntyre JS, inventors. Dow Chemical Company, assignee. Epoxidation process. US patent 3,654,317. 1972 Apr 4.


Hintze JL. NCSS: a statistical system for Windows. Version 2001. Kaysville, UT: Number Cruncher Statistical Systems; 2002. Epi Info [computer program]. Version 6. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 1994.

EPI Info: a database and statistics program for public health professionals Version 3.2.2. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); 2005. [cited2006 May 30]. Available from:• website Health on the net foundation.

Health on the net foundation code of conduct (HONcode) for medical and health web sites. [cited 1998 June 30]. Available from: DL. St John’s Wort. 1995; [4 screens]. [cited 1998 July 16]. Available from:

Additional information:

Citations: should be numbered, following the appearance in the text, using the format (number)

Illustration and figures: photography, tables, maps, or pictures should be submitted on the text, or at the end of the manuscript on separate sheets, numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text. The corresponding legends should be clear and concise. The text should indicate the position of the figures. Figures and photos should be submitted in jpg or tiff format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. They should be embedded in the text or at the end of manuscript.

Tables: they must complement and do not duplicate information in the text. They should be numbered in Arabic numerals. On the top of each table, there will be a short and descriptive title. If necessary, please use identified footnotes.

Ethics: researchers who use experiments with human beings, human biological material, or animals in their work must observe the current regulations issued by official bodies.

TheIinformed Consent is mandatory for research involving human participants, and it means that a research participant must be informed about all aspects of the trial. The study should be carried out only when the participant voluntarily confirms his or her disposition to participate in the clinical trial and the significance of the research for the advancement of medical knowledge and social welfare.

Participants' names or other identifiers must be removed from all sections of the manuscript, including supplementary information. In the methods section, the authors should include that informed consent to publish identifying information/images.

Any manuscript involving organs/tissues from prisoners will be immediately rejected. It includes manuscripts describing human transplantation research involving organs/tissues obtained from prisoners. The privacy of organ donors should be granted, and details of the institutions through which all organs/tissues were obtained should be included. The details about Ethical principles followed by Infarma - Pharmaceutical Sciences can be accessed at

Papers involving experiments that require evaluation by the Ethics Committee must include the number of approval by the proper Ethics Committee in the Material and Methods section.

Infarma - Pharmaceutical Sciences follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The COPE Guidelines stimulate the ethical conduct by editors and authors, encouraging the active identification of plagiarism, poor editorial and research practice, fraud, and possible ethics violations. Infarma - Pharmaceutical Sciences recommends that Authors, Reviewers, and Editors access the website, where useful information on ethics in research and publications can be found.

Manuscripts that are not written according to the Instructions for Authors will not be evaluated.

Manuscripts will be subjected to active plagiarism screening during the reviewing process.

Authorship Criteria: Authorship confers credit and has important academic, social, and financial implications. Authorship also implies a responsibility for published work. The following recommendations ensure that contributors who have made substantive intellectual contributions to a paper are given credit as authors. Contributors credited as authors understand their role in taking responsibility and being accountable for publishing the manuscript.

The corresponding author is the one who takes primary responsibility for communication with the journal during the submission, peer review, and publication process. The author should ensure that all the journal’s administrative requirements, such as authorship details, ethics committee approval, clinical trial registration documentation, and gathering conflict of interest forms and statements, are correctly completed.

The Infarma Pharmaceutical Sciences recommends that authorship be based on the following criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for relevant intellectual content.
  3. Final approval of the version to be published.
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

The Infarma-Pharmaceutical Sciences recommends that the author be based on the following criteria:

  1. All authors should meet all criteria for authorship, and all who meet the requirements should be identified as authors.
  2. Those who do not meet all four criteria should be acknowledged.
  3. These authorship criteria are intended to reserve authorship status for those who deserve credit and can take responsibility for the work.
  4. The individuals who conduct the work are responsible for identifying who meets these criteria and ideally should do so when planning the work, making modifications as appropriate as the work progresses. It is the collective responsibility of the authors.

Privacy Statement

The informed name and institution will be used exclusively for this journal purposes