
  • George Muniz Portela da Costa Grupo Farmácias ExtraFarma. R. Cel. Diogo Gomes, 851 - Alto da Brasília, Sobral - CE, 62010-150 Telefone:(88) 3614-3485
  • Maria Auxiliadora Silva Oliveira Instituto Superior de Teologia aplicada - INTA R. Cel. Antonio Rodrigues Magalhães, Bairro D. Expedito Lopes, 359, Sobral - CE Telefone: 88 3112 3500



profile, requirements, psychotropic drugs.


This study aimed to outline the profile of psychotropic prescriptions in community pharmacy in the city of Sobral, CE.
The work was carried out as a quantitative field research that had, as instrument, notifications of prescriptions collected from January to June 2014. A total of 1.637 reports of revenues were analyzed, according to: type of prescription, therapeutic class, patient gender, medical specialty, psychotropic medication typology, and the completion of the
notifications revenue by health professionals. The gender that made more use of this drug type was female (65%).
The most numerous revenue notification was the type C1 (52%). The most prescribed therapeutical class was antidepressant (32.13%). The reference medicines were the most prescribed (71%). The medical specialty that most
prescribed was the General Clinical (38.76%). The main observed error was the name of the drug in disagreement with the DCB (Brazilian Common Denomination) in 79% of prescriptions. Some users are encouraged to use psychotropic medications due to pleasurable responses induced by psychoactive substances, characterized by feelings of euphoria and momentary emotional satisfaction, and, in the search for renewal of these sensations, these patients become drug dependent. The results exposed the fragility in the process of prescribing and dispensing psychotropic drugs, besides the unpreparedness of health professionals, who prescribe medications and dispense them, often revealing irresponsibility in the exercise of their professional activity.

Author Biographies

George Muniz Portela da Costa, Grupo Farmácias ExtraFarma. R. Cel. Diogo Gomes, 851 - Alto da Brasília, Sobral - CE, 62010-150 Telefone:(88) 3614-3485

Bacharel em Farmácia pelo INTA, Farmacêutico responsável pela ExtraFarma na cidade de Sobral/CE

Maria Auxiliadora Silva Oliveira, Instituto Superior de Teologia aplicada - INTA R. Cel. Antonio Rodrigues Magalhães, Bairro D. Expedito Lopes, 359, Sobral - CE Telefone: 88 3112 3500

bióloga, mestre pela universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC; professora do INTA



How to Cite

Costa, G. M. P. da, & Oliveira, M. A. S. (2017). PSYCHOTROPIC PRESCRIPTIONS IN A PHARMACY AT SOBRAL, CEARÁ, BRAZIL. Infarma - Pharmaceutical Sciences, 29(1), 27–33.



Original article