
  • Karina Elisa Machado Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Campus Florianópolis Endereço: Rodovia SC-401, 5025 - Saco Grande, Florianópolis - SC, 88032-005 Telefone: (48) 3332-2501
  • Geonara Leite Sigales Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Campus Florianópolis Endereço: Rodovia SC-401, 5025 - Saco Grande, Florianópolis - SC, 88032-005 Telefone: (48) 3332-2501
  • Ivanisse Solovy Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Campus Florianópolis Endereço: Rodovia SC-401, 5025 - Saco Grande, Florianópolis - SC, 88032-005 Telefone: (48) 3332-2501



skin aging, rejuvenation, anti-wrinkle, acetyl hexapeptide-3


Aging is a multifactorial process, the result of several factors, intrinsic and extrinsic. It consists of a continuous process that does not only affect the appearance but the various structures and functions of the skin. The aged facial region may present flaccidity, wrinkles, expression lines, among other aesthetic disorders, which represent the most apparent signs of aged skin. In the search for youth, several techniques of facial rejuvenation have been used in recent years, among them arises the acetyl hexapeptide-3, a topical use that was synthesized with the aim of mimicking the effects of the botulinum neurotoxin. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the skin aging process and the active acetyl hexapeptide-3 action in the facial rejuvenation process, through a bibliographic review. The present study was characterized by an exploratory-descriptive bibliographical review with a qualitative approach. In this perspective, information was sought regarding the skin aging process and the action of active acetyl hexapeptide-3 in the process of
facial rejuvenation. The results demonstrated that acetyl hexapeptide-3, although much less potent than the botulinum neurotoxin, promotes significant improvements in the appearance of aged skin, thus justifying its use in cosmetic formulations for antiaging purposes.

Author Biographies

Karina Elisa Machado, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Campus Florianópolis Endereço: Rodovia SC-401, 5025 - Saco Grande, Florianópolis - SC, 88032-005 Telefone: (48) 3332-2501

Farmacêtica graduada pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI, Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas pela mesma Universidade e Doutora em Farmácia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Atualmente é professora do Curso de Estética e Cosmética da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI, Florianópolis SC, nas disciplinas de Cosmetologia Básica, Cosmetologia Aplicada, Fisiologia, Cosmetologia Avançada e Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso.

Geonara Leite Sigales, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Campus Florianópolis Endereço: Rodovia SC-401, 5025 - Saco Grande, Florianópolis - SC, 88032-005 Telefone: (48) 3332-2501

Cosmetóloga e Esteticista graduada pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI.

Ivanisse Solovy, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Campus Florianópolis Endereço: Rodovia SC-401, 5025 - Saco Grande, Florianópolis - SC, 88032-005 Telefone: (48) 3332-2501

Cosmetóloga e Esteticista graduada pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI.



How to Cite

Machado, K. E., Sigales, G. L., & Solovy, I. (2018). ACTION OF ACETYL HEXAPEPTIDE-3 IN THE FACIAL REJUVENATION PROCESS. Infarma - Pharmaceutical Sciences, 30(3), 185–193.



Review Article