Errors on dilution of intravenous medication in a hospital, and development of a drug dilution and administration guide


  • Danyelle Cristine Marini Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada Rua Paula Bueno, 240 Centro Mogi Guaçu - SP CEP 13840050 Telefone 19 38614066 Home page
  • Juliana Talita Pinheiro Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada Rua Paula Bueno, 240 Centro Mogi Guaçu - SP CEP 13840050 Telefone 19 38614066 Home page
  • Claudia Solano Rocha Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada Rua Paula Bueno, 240 Centro Mogi Guaçu - SP CEP 13840050 Telefone 19 38614066 Home page



medication errors, hospital pharmacy, adverse events


The adverse events from medication are all kind of damage caused to patients, that can lead to significant harm to health, with relevant economic and social consequences, which is considered a public health problem. The medication errors, as an adverse event, can be avoided. On a hospital environment, errors on medication are a responsibility of the nursing team, due to its direct relation to the patient. Previous studies have shown that the frequency of the errors varies from one to six doses given, with different justifications. The study aimed to identify the errors frequency on the dilution of intravenous medication
process, to propose an action that helps its reduction. The data research was made in October 2014, typified as a transversal descriptive research, with an observation nature. During this period, the activities of 18 nursing technicians involved in the intravenous medication preparation and administration, who worked in Intensive Therapy Units, were observed. 180 doses were verified, from which 125 (69.5%) presented at least one dilution error. In 90 doses, (72%) it was noticed more than one error per dose, and no evaluation or report of the medication errors was made. It was noticed that the professionals involved with the errors did not know how to identify them, and such event may compromise the effectiveness of the treatment. Also, the medications with a higher frequency of dilution errors were identified. Therefore, other diluents were defined, according to specific literature. This outcome turned into an educational material, as a file, to be quickly consulted.

Author Biographies

Danyelle Cristine Marini, Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada Rua Paula Bueno, 240 Centro Mogi Guaçu - SP CEP 13840050 Telefone 19 38614066 Home page

Possui graduação em Farmácia Habilitação em Farmacêutico pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (1999), doutoranda em educação pela UNIMEP e mestrado em Biologia Celular e Molecular pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2005). Atualmente é Conselheira do Conselho Regional de Farmácia de São Paulo, membro da comissão de Educação do Conselho Regional de Farmácia de São Paulo; Professora e coordenadora das Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada (FIMI) e Professora do Centro Universitário das Faculdades Associadas de Ensino (UNIFAE). Tem experiência na área de ensino e da assistência farmacêutica.

Juliana Talita Pinheiro, Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada Rua Paula Bueno, 240 Centro Mogi Guaçu - SP CEP 13840050 Telefone 19 38614066 Home page

Formada em Farmácia e Residente na Universidade de São Paulo

Claudia Solano Rocha, Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada Rua Paula Bueno, 240 Centro Mogi Guaçu - SP CEP 13840050 Telefone 19 38614066 Home page

Possui graduação em Farmácia-Bioquímica pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2007), mestrado em Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas à Farmácia, área Parasitologia, pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2009) e doutorado em Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas à Farmácia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2012). Atualmente é docente nos cursos de Graduação em Farmácia das Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada de Mogi Guaçu-SP (FIMI) e da Universidade Paulista de Araraquara (UNIP).




How to Cite

Marini, D. C., Pinheiro, J. T., & Rocha, C. S. (2016). Errors on dilution of intravenous medication in a hospital, and development of a drug dilution and administration guide. Infarma - Pharmaceutical Sciences, 28(2), 81–89.



Original article